Here's frequently asked questions about CLINKme.
If you have any problems that are not solved here, please feel free to contact us.

Yes, all features of the service are free of charge.

Yes, you can use your own images for icons and backgrounds.
However, you cannot use the types of image prohibited on the guidelines.

You cannot create multiple websites with the same LINE account and email address.
If you want to create multiple websites, please create with different LINE accounts and email addresses.

You can change the "〇〇〇" part of https://clinkme.jp/〇〇〇 in the settings.
However, the domain part cannot be changed.

Make sure you are logged in in the same method as the registration.
If you are registered with LINE, you will log in with LINE account, and if you are registered with your email address, you will be logged in by email address.

You may already sign in with another browser. Try accessing CLINKme with your usual browser.
For example, if you sign in with LINE account on Twitter's application while already sign in on Safari, an error occurs. In this case, please open Safari and you will be able to log in correctly.

In iOS16.0, many users have reported that Safari freezes when using the automatic password generation function.
You can resolve the issue in one of the following ways:
・Please update to iOS 16.1 or later.
・Change your browser to Chrome. Please use a browser other than Safari.

《How to Confirm the Version》
See the iPhone's Settings app> General> About> iOS Version.

After logging in, you can delete your account in the settings.
If you delete account, all data will be erased.